Thursday 30 October 2014

Conflict which I had before with my room/housemate and how I did solve it

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!
Today I would like to share with you all about conflict which I had before with my room or housemate and how I did solve it. Actually this topic is quite interesting to discuss. I think everyone pernah mengalami masalah conflict between housemates or rommates termasuk saya sendiri. Let me give definition about conflict. Conflict refers to a difference of opinion caused by opposing attitudes, behaviors, ideas, needs, wants or goals. I think I also have conflict between my housemate but my conflict tidak la terlalu teruk sampai bermasam muka. It just happened when we have different opinion. In Diploma, I had some conflicts with my roommate. Actually dia seorang yang periang, baik, caring but the problem bila nak study.Cara dia study sangat la berbeza . So, for me its too hard nak focus study. My roommate study sambil mendengar lagu. Sangatlah mengganggu concentration nak study. So, when this happened, me and my other roommate talked to her about this problem. Actually, dia pun sedar apa yang dia buat. Actually tak banyak sangat conflict because I don’t like having a conflict with my friends. It make me feel more stressed. So, I think, if we have a problem or conflict with friends, so cepat cepat lah settle kan masalah. Its not good if we have a problem with friends. Actually there are some ways to prevent it such as build constructive relationship, discuss problems before they escalate to a conflict, watch your language when you are annoyed and stop and think before you react. That’s all for me.

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