Saturday 4 October 2014

My plans and where will I be in the next 5 years.What are the things which I am currently doing to ensure that my plans will work and how I manage my free time.

Assalamualaikum everyone.
Oh yes! Tomorrow is Hari Raya AidilAdha and my mom busy for preparing juadah-juadah for tomorrow.And I just said to my mom after I finish my blog, I will help you kemas dapur, ruang tamu and so on. Okay back to my topic is my plans and where will I be in the next 5 years. Actually dah lama thinking about it. Time zaman kecik-kecik cikgu pernah tanya when you are growing up, what are you like to be?and my answer is I would like to be a Teacher. Unfortunately, my answer always change and tak pernah static. Pernah nak jadi peguam, doktor, pembaca berita and at last nak jadi accountant because when I form 4 amik subject account and terus minat ke arah tu. But, bila dapat result sambung Diploma tak dapat nak amik account sebab dapat second choice which is banking. Nampak course tu very interesting kan. Actually yes and dah mula minat ke arah bank pulak. And Alhamdulillah dapat lah grad nanti. Then bila dah dapat result degree terus menangis and this is because my first choice was financing but I got Islamic Banking. I dont know why I should cried and I should thank to god dengan rezeki yang kita dapat. Ramai yang tak berpeluang nak further their study. I have many plans and one of my plan is I want to finish my study first. And bila dah masuk degree ni mesti lah kena hard sikit, tak boleh nak main main lagi. Its about my future. I want my parents proud of me. Thats why time degree kena study betul betul. Ada 3 sem for this degree and after that will be practical. Time tu dah mula berangan nak practical dekat bank then nak buat betul betul time practical, nanti boleh keja terus dekat sana. Now I am 21 years old, Insya Allah, kalau tak ada aral melintang I will grad when I am 23 years old. So, dah boleh mula fikir nak keja, nak kumpul duit, dapat bagi duit keja kat my parents, Before I will forget, nak dapatkat car license first. Then baru la boleh beli kereta. I think in the next Five year I will be a bank officer and then getting married.To ensure my plans will work, the most thing that i would like to do is study hard, ingat mak abah, family, banyak membantu dari segi kewangan, support untuk teruskan belajar. and dont give up cepat sangat, I always told my friend eventhough kita dapat course yang bukan kita nak, kita kena minat,jagan rasa course tu susah bagi kita, we need to face the challanges. Banyak lagi cabaran yang akan menanti kita.And how I manage my free time? Actually my free time diisi dengan tidur je lebih, pastu bersembang mengalahkan mak  mak je. I need to change free time. Sometimes, weekend bila dekat rumah sewa, petang2 je g jalan2 dekat kampung, tengok sawah padi, best sangat, rasa mendamaikan, But bila malam dah start study sikit sikit, recall balik apa yang lecturer ajar and i always ask my friends if ada soalan yang xfaham then they will explain to me. So i think I should stop at here. So before I stop Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha, Ikhlas dari KamarDina sekeluarga.

1 comment:

  1. i hope you have filled your free time with something else ...
